Our Mission
Making A Difference
The Kunduru Foundation is in the business of changing and shaping lives. The work we do at our Non-Profit Organization is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving some of our society’s biggest challenges. We make sure our partners are empowered by creating opportunities for individuals and communities.

One Step at a Time
Youth Innovation and Leadership Program
The youth have the ability to conquer the world with their young and innovative minds. We want to help children explore ideas of their own, KF decided to create a program named Kunduru Global Academy (KGA) for this sole purpose. With this opportunity, youth will not only expand their knowledge but also gain social skills by working with their peers and collaborating with each other. This experience can be beneficial, as it will expose the youth to the real world and help obtain a leadership position in the future.
Youth Innovation and Leadership Program – The goal of KGA is to mentor youth and provide innovation and leadership hands-on programs with funding to launch their dreams immaterial of their race, gender, location, or background.
As part of the KGA, KF under Ventech has started VYIT and multiple youth programs since 2016 to help launch this. Ventech Solutions Youth Innovation Team (VYIT) was created as a corporate project to gather high school students who would invent new ideas for Ventech Solutions or Kunduru Foundation to invest in.

Woman Entrepreneurship @ KGA
500 by 2025
Women Entrepreneurship for “Woman Majority Enterprises (WME)” – To provide a world class environment for Women entrepreneurship with a single goal - WME. A target to create at least 500 new class of businesses with women majority employees by 2025.
KF wants to support women in leadership roles. In work forces, women are not seen as equal compared to men; wage gaps and job positions are only a few examples. Women have the ability to shape societies and communities, and if they are given an opportunity, more women will be encouraged to take on leadership positions.

Reinforcing our Commitment
Throughout developing countries in the world, many low-income families do not have access to proper healthcare. Malnutrition hinders children from receiving education in schools and fulfilling their dreams. Therefore, KF hopes to establish facilities all over the world and provide adequate treatment to people in need, through the Kunduru Medical Centre (KMC).
The Foundation’s Kunduru Medical Centre (KMC), will be a world-class facility for low-income patients to manage chronic illness. KMC will initially be established in central Ohio, followed by other locations in the USA and India.
In the last 24 months, KF, through Kunduru’s personal and professional donations, has donated $1 Million to SVIMS, Tirupati, India, to support various research activities on chronic disorders.
Additionally, KF actively supports local non-profit free medical clinics for their infrastructure and technology needs.

Faith Based Member Services
Sustainable Operations for next generation
KF’s Faith related activities are delivered through an Enterprise Membership Management System for non-profit faith-based organizations. This is a journey started by Ravi Kunduru, Founder and CEO of Ventech from 2004 with a single dream - to keep non-profit organizations operations seamless for next generations to participate into leadership roles with efficient and salable tools to meet the evolving community needs. Currently this philanthropic service is in use by 100,000+ devotees in the USA.
During 2018, a newer version of the system "CHAKRA" is being currently designed, architected and developed by KF. Chakra activities are currently led by KF’s CEO Rasesh Kunduru with a team of 12 youth members and with a dedicated team of 8 IT professionals.
A newer release is scheduled to launch during Q2 of 2019 to serve Hindu Temples in the North America.
Chakra will be available for other faith organizations to utilize its benefits from Q4 2019.